A poster of a newborn baby with the typical nametag around it's wrist, is creating a big debate in Italy these days. The nametag doesn't have a name on it, instead it says "homosexual".

The poster is part of a campaign in Tuscany,Italy against discrimination of homosexuals in the region.

Obviously this does not make the Conservatives in Italy happy. The want the poster off of the streets. A spokesman says : "It's an outrage to use an innocent newborn baby to promote something so wrong as homosexuality."

"Homosexual tendencies are not something you are born with", claims the Conservative member of Parlament, Luca Volonté.

The Canadian organisation Emerge is responsible for the campaign. Emerge is an organisation whose purpose is to fight discramination against homosexuals. (I salute you Emerge!)

When you create a poster like that in Italy, you have to expect some sort of reaction from the Catholic side of Italy... But I really like this poster, were brave, and I really hope it works (I have my doubts, but you have to start somewhere)

What do you all think? Good or bad poster? Will it help homosexuals in any way?


  1. Anonymous said...
    I think the real issue is that combining sexuality (of any sort) to a small child, which is disturbing to people. If you label someone homosexual, people's thoughts immediately go to the sexual acts of gay people. Just my opinon. I don't think the poster will help or hinder our cause.
    citta.poplin said...
    that's a great quote from the spokesman "...to promote..." it only serves to prove that they're just not getting it.

    i like the poster. i think that at the same time it points out how ludicrous it is to brand all that that child is and will be with one simple label.

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